This article is yet another opportunity to point out that our collective taxes pay for infrastructure. We have a bad habit of considering taxes as money being stolen from us instead of paying our share of the maintenance costs for our infrastructure. Yes! Every earner individual or corporate should pay its fair share. Yes! Those who have more should pay more! But we all need these things and they must be maintained with as much care as we give our personal needs. That takes money.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28Author

Thanks for your. Input, Penny Wallace. Yep, you are right. Paying taxes is how we can work together on things bigger than an individual alone can manage. I mentioned Lincoln, because he expanded his understanding of civic/public responsibilities as he grew from a teen with his first paying job (ferrying someone across a river) to working across state lines for the good of all. Rivers were a major focus for young Lincoln’s life, and learning that river traffic was blocked by independent dams with mills or needed dredging to be deep enough for boats showed him that a single person can wreck a system, but it usually takes a cooperative group to clear up the mess (dredging a river isn’t a single-person job).

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